Sunday, February 20, 2011

Beat the heat

    It's another scorcher here in sunny Qld today. The past few months have been anything but typical weather-wise, but the typical heat and humidity have now arrived with a vengeance. The crew and I spent most of yesterday in and out of the pool, and that's my plan for today too. Paint - swim - paint - swim....sounds pretty good to me.

    I'm not the only one who enjoys a refreshing dip. My studio assistant Darcy adores it. But we have a small problem - the entry.

    here he is - on guard at all times

    I hope you're paying attention Darcy. This is how it's done. You need to run and jump at the same time. Maybe the adorable Cooper could teach him a thing or two. Darcy uses this method...

    ...but always manages to fall in head-first. And once in, he won't get out. I didn't manage to get a photo of Darcy yesterday as I was too busy trying to get him out of the pool, so I'm using these for illustrative purposes only. Hope he takes note and learns a trick or two.

    There will be devouring of mango iceblocks by the truckload today too. And as for the painting, I'm working on a request for peonies and ginger jars - two of my favourite things.

    Hope your day has lots of loveliness in store for you too.

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Beat the heat

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